One of the ways we come together as a community is by organizing efforts that celebrate our school while raising funds to keep it strong.
Family donations help cover instructional support in lower grade classrooms, supplement arts programming, provide student trip scholarships, underwrite professional development for teachers, pay for a variety of classroom supplies and equipment, including inclusion learning tools to support students with diverse learning styles, and much more. View our illustrated pie chart to see how your donations help A&L 305 United.
We know that every family has financial considerations unique to their household. As much as the school needs financial support, it also couldn’t thrive without your presence and the generous giving of your time and creativity. For that reason, we welcome everyone’s decision to participate in whatever way makes sense for them.
Below are some ways to support our community giving. However you choose to participate, we thank you!
that help build community and raise funds at the same time. Support PTA bake sales by baking, buying and/or volunteering. Help fund extracurricular programs by purchasing raffle tickets and “swag” sold by the Athletic and chess teams. Attend school dances, Art Expos and other school community events. Take part in our growing list of annual traditions.
by signing up at the DONATE button above. If each A&L 305 United family gave $5 per month, that would add up to more than $25,000 per year so we’re not kidding when we say that every single dollar counts!
We ❤️ United, in which we encourage donations from our extended community and seek matching grants from corporations. You can use the same link as above (there are options for a one-time or recurring donation) or contribute by check or money order made out to “Arts & Letters 305 United PTA” and delivered to the PTA mailbox or mailed to: Arts & Letters 305 United, PTA Mailbox, 344 Monroe St, Brooklyn, NY 11216
Then reach out to the PTA to help ensure the match gets processed.
If you or your family is considering making a donation of over $1000, please contact Adam Gidwitz, Ashley Barnes, or Angela Daniels-Lewis at fundraising@unitedbk-pta.org. All donations are tax deductible, and we accept stock transfers as well, which can have major tax benefits.
You can host a sidewalk sale and donate the proceeds to the campaign. Or grow a moustache or beard and collect pledges from friends, family and coworkers for every week you keep it going or have them pledge $5 or $10 to “vote” on whether you keep or shave it off. We are open to all creative ideas!
If you’re interested in underwriting something specific with a major gift, please contact the PTA Presidents and the executive board at eboard@unitedbk-pta.org.