Our PTA Committees

There are many opportunities to play an active role in the United PTA and one very important way is to join a committee.

Click here to sign up for a committee.

Teacher Appreciation

The Teacher Appreciation Committee is a joyful committee that spearheads teacher and staff appreciation efforts. Its mission is to give back to the amazing people at UNITED who care for and teach our children at school by letting them know how much they mean to us.

Library Committee

The Library Committee works closely with our wonderful librarian Esther Gottesman to ensure our library is a center of joyful literacy for the whole school: from thousands of enticing books to check out to inspiring author visits to community events like Literacy Week and Storytellers of United.

Garden Committee

Manages the main Madison Street garden and the Monroe Street alley garden. The committee also supports urban nature programs, encourages healthy and empowering eating habits and acts as an educational support tool for the classroom and teaching space.

Environmental Science & Activism Committee

Devoted to bringing more science learning and more environmental awareness to the school, through fun events and environmentally-conscious learning as well as introduce more sustainable choices we can implement at school (eg, recycling, compost, hydroponic gardening, etc.)

Merchandise Committee

Finds fun ways to display school spirit through design & swag! The committee designs, produces, markets & sells United merchandise throughout the school year so we can all have fresh UNITED gear.


Creates PTA budgets to be voted on by general membership, oversees internal community proposal grants, and looks for external grant funding.

Equity & Anti-Racism

Cultivates a community of dialogue, self-reflection, self-awareness around our racialized experiences and perspectives so that we can interrupt racism and white supremacy in our homes and our school community


Welcomes parents, caregivers, and staff members who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, have kid(s) who are questioning their gender, or allies who want to support our kids and families who are
part of the LGBTQIA+ community.


So much of what United does—from keeping classes smaller to our math coordinator to the library to school trips—is funded by PTA donations. The fundraising committee develops PTA fundraising strategies and manages campaigns for the PTA to support our school. If you are willing to help organize our annual giving campaign, please contact Adam at adam@adamgidwitz.com. Not sure where to start? Consider becoming a monthly donor here!


A team of parents and caregivers that provides support for families of exceptional and neurodiverse students, whether or not they have IEPs and 504 plans.

Well Being

Focuses on emotional support, mental health, and social connection for our community.


Supports chess instruction and fosters the chess community at school through learning and competition.

Lost and Found

Help lost clothing, water bottles, lunch boxes and MORE stay organized and find their owners with the Lost and Found Committee.  Unclaimed items are organized for donation twice a year. 

Community Proposal

Each year our PTA sets aside money to fund proposals made by teachers, students, staff and family members for initiatives that benefit our school community.  As part of the community proposal committee you will work in tandem with members of the PTA to review and decide on which community proposals merit PTA funding and how PTA funds are distributed.