At United we have many options for after school programming for students in grades PK-8. See the quick overview below to help navigate our after school offerings:
Full Time After School Offerings: Provides daily extended day programming
Kids Orbit Gr. PK-5 Fee based
Onsite at the United building till 6pm. Starts Sept. 16th
Homework supervision, daily arts and movement based activities.
Contact Program with any questions: 718-768-4426
Registration: Open on rolling basis
Registration at: Kids Orbit
PAL Gr. K-8 Free
Offsite nearby with daily pick up from United till 6:00pm. Starts Sept. 16th
Offering HW help, sports and activities.
Registration: Open on first come first served basis, limited space
Registration at PAL Wynn Center 495 Gates Ave
Contact Program with questions: 718-230-8477
LEAP Gr. K-5 Free
Onsite at the United building till 5:30pm. Starts Nov. 18th
Offering HW help, and physical and arts education.
Registration open. Contact Program with any questions: 929-223-7069 danielle@leapnyc.org or Domingo Beltran domingo.beltran@leapnyc.org
LEAP Gr. 6-8 Free
Onsite at the United building till 5:30pm. Starts Sept. 16th
Offering HW help, and physical and arts education.
Registration Open.
Contact Program with any questions: 929-223-7069 danielle@leapnyc.org or Domingo Beltran
Enrichment Afterschool Offerings: Provides enrichment classes select days of the week.
Fee based opportunities for students in grade PK-5 to participate in after school enrichments. Offerings operate in trimesters with three times to register throughout the year. See the table below for detailed information about the fall offerings and how to register. Needs based scholarships and sliding scale financial aid are available.
*Contact Dawn Babbush, Dbabbush@unitedbk.org for more information
Click HERE for links to afterschool enrichment.
United Club Offerings: Provides activities select days of the week.
United runs sports, arts, and academic clubs for upper elementary and middle school students. Clubs are run using donation based club fees. United Club offerings operate in trimesters with three times to register throughout the year.
*Contact Meg Crouch at MCrouch@unitedbk.org for more information